weight loss

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

All to His glory

So, I found a record I kept (I'm good at those!) awhile back of weight loss. The cool thing is if I go back to my highest (223.6) til now (200.6) - I've lost 23 lbs! I'm pretty darn proud of that!! Not to mention that I'm only .7 from being under 200 for the first time since... um... right out of high school? We're talking a good 12 years!!! Whoo-hooo!!! Interested to see what my next set of blood work looks like!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Stupid sunburn!

Or should it say "Stupid got sunburnt"? I sell skin care, you'd think I knew better! Where did I get it? At the yard sale I had this past Saturday. Raising money for a mission trip to Scotland! I pick the roughest places to do missions, huh? ;) 3x to Mexico to visit Janine and now Scotland... and, Lord willing, Japan next year :) The yard sale went well, raised $345. I'm having another on May 8th. With the yard sale and a few donations I'm currently at about $600, the trip costs $2000 and $1200 of that is due by the end of this month. I think things are looking good.

The mission trip is to a place in Glasgow that is a castle!!!! We will be putting together/constructing rooms for unwed-expectant mothers. They also have a lot of other programs. You can see more at

Please consider and pray about supporting me. Email me for more info.

I did it!!! I walked a 5k marathon!! 1 hour, 5 minutes, and 21 seconds :) I thought it might be about 10 min more than that, so I'm happy. Already signed up for a 10k in October!! Hope to someday be able to jog some of these too, but for now, walking is good. Except for the shin splits! OMG!!

I've lost 17 lbs so far :) Went up for a week or so, but now back at 17. I have a goal of 66 by the end of the year, which seems big. So, I broke it down into quarters, which is 16.5. Right at goal :) Just weighed - I'm now at 18 :)

Work is crazy busy! We are finally up to full production again for the first time in about 1.5 years? Schedule is full too. The market has turned! This time last year, we were taking weeks down b/c we didn't have enough to run, and last June we laid off a bunch of people. Things are so much better :)

Well, speaking of work, I'd better get back to it!!