weight loss

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 5: Exodus 1 - 14

the beginning of Moses' story.  funny how, even though I haven't seen the movie in years, I kept seeing the Prince of Egypt running in my mind.  The whole time thinking the story line in the movie was terribly flawed!

Anyway :)  

The enemy tried to kill off the redeemer by having the king kill off all the baby boys.  Sounds familiar, huh?  So what's going on now with all the abortions?  I won't go there, plenty of other people have...  I wonder how difficult for Moses' mom to give him up after she nursed him?  At least he was alive and she knew he'd be in good hands with the princess.

I never noticed before that the king who drove Moses out the first time was not the same as the one who Moses told to set his people free.

At the burning bush, God didn't speak to Moses until Moses turned toward Him.  That spoke to me.  Moses saw that something was going on - the non-burning bush, went to check it out, then God spoke to him.  We should be on the lookout for the things, especially the miracles, that are going on around us.  God may just speak to us too.

I like that God still used Moses, regardless of all the excuses he came up with!  I know He wasn't happy, but He had a call on his life.  Moses and Aaron did what God told them, a lot of bad things happened, but it all worked out for His glory.  I've struggled with the fact that God hardened Pharaoh's heart, but I think Pharaoh must have made his choice before this.  And God did all that so that Israel would see Him moving, and that the people of Egypt would see that He was the Lord.  Sad that you don't read of any of the Egyptians going with the Israelites and turning to the Lord.

They get all the way to the sea and then Pharaoh and his army come upon them.  They blame Moses for leading them out to die.  How many times, no I really don't want to know, have God lead me out of a bad place and then I get scared and ask what the heck He was doing?  Got to learn to trust Him!  If He has brought me this far, He'll split that sea in front of me too.


Somethings I didn't know...

I use myfitnesspal.com to log my cals and there's this whole community of supportive people on there.  There's a forum and a recent topic where a bunch of us where listing 5 or so things that we didn't know we didn't know before starting this journey.  I thought you may get a kick out of some of these and be inspired. I almost tear up reading some of these, laugh at/with others. (some talk about the site, which is awesome, but don't take this as a sales pitch/the site is free anyway).  They are all copied from the forum.  The first 5 are mine.

1 - I did not know I could actually lose weight (more than those 5 that I would lose and gain and lose...)
2 - I did not know how awesome I felt to hear that I inspired someone
3 - I did not know I could actually finish a marathon (5k down, 10k next!)
4 - I did not know how much of my self-perception was based on being fat
5 - I did not know that light at the end of the tunnel was hope, not a train

1. I did not know that eating every three hours would help me LOSE weight!
2. I did not know that there was something called Almond Butter and Blue Agave - YUMMY.
3. I did not know that my heart would keep beating if I did NOT drink soda and SWEET TEA!
4. I did not know that a tiny heart rate monitor could take my weight loss to new heights.
5. I did not know that a 2 piece was a bathing suit and not what I ordered at Church's and Popeye's! I have one now . 

1. I didn't know that I could use skim milk in my cereal and not die.... I can't even tell the difference.
2. I didn't know that eventually, exercising would become part of my routine again... now I feel weird without working out.
3. I didn't know that not eating was bad for me and would make my weight loss slower... weeeeird!
4. I didn't know how much I absolutely LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE riding my bike and brisk walking.
5. I didn't know that I would feel so much more confidence, even though I have only lost 6 lbs so far....

I did not know:
1. That I could really enjoy choosing what to wear
2. That my clothes that I have hidden in the wardrobe would all fit if I would take some time to make some small changes
3. That I would actually feel more in control at work if I start my day with exercise
4. That I would be a nicer Mum to my kids if I wasn't so unhappy with myself
5. That when I took away the weight I would realise the problem is how I see myself, not how others see me 

1. I didn't know that 1% milk is actually not that bad
2. I didn't know that not eating McDonald's would actually not make me sad
3. I didn't know that I could actually JOG
4. I didn't know that I could actually not eat after 7pm and still be alive the next morning!!!

1) that I couldn't eat all the veggies I wanted to. Some of those suckers are filled with calories!
2) that all that healthy stuff I was eating added up to 2400 calories per day. YIKES!
3) this site existed until I googled "champagne calories" and discovered I was drinking half my calories per day.
4) how many calories it took to burn a pound. It's a lot!
5) that when I cut my calorie intake back I would for some odd reason start craving CHOCOLATE...which I do not normally like. 

1- I did not know that I would ever in a million years eat tofu
2- I did not know that fast food would make me so sick after not eating it for months
3- I did not know that I could lose so many inches so fast and have the scale stay at the same number
4- I did not know that I would have the stamina and determination to finish the 30 day shred and challenge myself to Chalean Extreme
5- I did not know that while working on my goals of finishing Chalean extreme I would secretly want to push myself to do P90X next.

1. I did NOT know: a person typically eats 1,000 MORE calories at Subway than they originally intend to. (I actually proved this theory when i realized that my 2 cookies and soda with my healthy sandwich was costing me an extra 900 calories)
2. I did NOT know: That i could actually run a mile, or TWO, and not die.
3. I did NOT know: That i could make myself look BETTER than my wedding photos if I just made an effort.
4. I did NOT know: That my sweet tooth could actually be pretty much defeated, and I would one day no longer crave sweets and junk food the way I once did.
5. I did NOT know: That working out just once a day for 20-30 minutes could actually improve my mood & productivity as well as my health.

1- I did not know that eating breakfast could feel so good!
2- I did not know that even walking for exercise can make a difference.
3- I did not know that I could still go out drinking with my friends on occasion! (Light beer is not so bad when you don't over indulge!)
4- I did not know that working out could be fun! Running endorphins are the best :)
5- I did not know that it could be this easy to live this healthy. 

I didn't know:
I actually like to work out (most of the time, LOL)
Eating healthier and at home has brought my family closer (we actually cook together and its fun)
How working out lowered my stress levels
That doing simple 50 squats a day really helped the dreaded "love handles" (each bathroom break just knock out 10 or so)
That I could lose more than 10 pounds and keep it off, even if I did fall off the "diet" but because of the lifestyle change I committed to I got into better eating habits.

1. I didn't know I'd ever find a protein shake I ENJOY drinking.
2. I didn't know I'd ever actually sign up for a race.
3. I didn't know I could be so knowledgable and confident about my weight loss.
4. I didn't know I could lose 20 lbs doing something I LOVE!
5. I didn't know I could fall in love with food and cooking all over again...and that food be healthy

I did not know that one day my thighs wouldn't jiggle
I did not know that I'd need to set a new weight lose goal having achieved the one I'd never dreamed possible
I did not know I could run 25 minutes non-stop
I did not know that my arms could grow. I can now scratch any part of my back.
I did not know that anything other than a hot flash caused sweating

I did not know:
1) that all it took to lose weight, was to be accountable for what I ate and how I lived
2)that the naughty voice in my head telling me I couldn't run 10k or couldnt keep the weight off could be silenced every time I made the right choice
3) that I would look back 2 years from now and have kept EVERY pound I had lost off!!!
4) that weight loss happens one tiny decisions at a time...yes I will go to the gym, No I will not have a cookie, yes I will walk home from work
5) that there are some food/drinks SO high in calories...they are just NOT even worth eating or drinking....no matter HOW much I "think" I deserve it....

I didn't know that: A perfect stranger could boost my confidence more than my family-thanks MFP! Kudo's to you all!
I didn't know that: I would get depressed if I didn't get to work out.
I didn't know that: I could push myself to continue when my legs are yelling quit and my heart is beating out of my chest.
I didn't know that: I actually like shopping
I didn't know that: being happy with myself actually imporoved the whole house's attitude..boy was I negative-sorry Family.

I did not know:
That I would be looking forward to Jillian Micheals kicking my butt everynight!
That losing 6lbs would make such a differnece in my confidence!
That I could actually get up and do it....that nothing taste as good as being slim!
That the farmers market would be my favorite store :)
That my husband would join my everynight is doing "our chick flick" (30 day shred)

1. That there were so many people out there that have the same struggles as I do!
2. That those Skinny Cow chocolate ice cream bars I vowed I'd never try are actually really good (and only 100 calories)!
3. That not only should I watch my calorie intake, but also my sat. fats (one of the foods I love to cook isn't too bad on calories, but the sat. fat was crazy high! No more of that junk!)
4. That I would ever have enough energy or drive to go to the gym aftera long day at work.
5. That drinking water has such an important role in losing weight.

1. I did not know that I could do cardio workouts for 45 min straight.
2. I did not know that I could live without my coke zero and other chemically sweetened drinks.
3. I did not know that I could feel this energized and strong.
4. I did not know how much doing the right thing encourages others around you to do the same.
5. AND.,... I did not know how good it felt to catch my hubby checking me out

did not know that:
1. Greek Yogurt is a quick, easy, and FILLING breakfast that actually keeps me from being so ravenously hungry later on. Not eating breakfast in general has contributed to my sluggish demeanor.
2. Losing weight and eating better has helped me realize that at least some of my unidentifiable pains (as in Dr. says nothing is specifically wrong) and sensations may have been weight/nutrition related as they've subsided a lot.
3. I was eating over 4 servings of most things at dinner.
4. How I have gotten used to huge portions without even realizing it over the years.
5. How difficult it is to eat out because of huge portions and many restaurants not disclosing nutritional info on their dishes.
I did not know that losing weight had more to do with my health than being skinny
I did not know there are 4 servings in a box of mac and cheese
I did not know that lobster tastes delish............it was the butter I was tasting before
I did not know I could feel 20 yrs younger just by exercising each day

1. I did not know that I would lose 155 lbs without surgery!
2. I did not know (or ever imagine) that I would be teaching aerobics!
3. I did not know that I could be stronger than my husband and still be soft.
4. I did not know that I could have so much self control over my diet!
5. I did not know that a website that is so GOOD for me could be FREE!!

 did not know that I could be friends with someone that I have never met.
I did not know know if I would ever be happy with my weight again.
I did not know that I must have been eating 4 to 5 thousand calories a day at times!

I did not know that it was possible to lose 50 lbs without a huge lifestyle change and pills
I did not know that so many people suffer from PCOS and weight issues due to medical reasons until I came to this site.
I did not know that I could finally feel proud of myself
I did not realize how insecure I was and how much my weight has affected my self-confidence(still a work in progress but I am finally starting to look at myself in the mirror again)
I did not realize that in order to lose weight I wouldn't have to cut out foods I enjoy - just needed to focus on moderation and portion control.

1. I did not know that I was eating so much salt and that cutting back could make such a difference.
2. I did not know that supportive friends would make me feel so much better and be so encouraging.
3. I did not know that I really could could get my carb addiction and sugar intake under control.
4. I did not know that I could get to a point where I was working out so much and feeling so much better.
5. I did not know how much injuries really suck and how bad I would miss the working out once I couldn't do it anymore.

did not know that at 42 years old:
1. that I'd be jogging with a 26 year old coworker who keeps asking me to slow down.
2. that I'd be doing tornado kicks and spinning hooks kicks and sparring with 15 year olds.
3. that I could complete the Insanity by Beachbody program.
4. that going to boot camp with my husband on Saturday mornings for an hour and then chasing each other around the jogging track for another half hour would be such a hot date.
5. that people would be calling me skinny.
6. that exercise would be the best "medicine" to alleviate all my back pain.

I did not know I could actually take weight off and keep it off!
I did not know how great it feels to weigh less than my drivers licese says I weigh!! (how great THAT feels!)
I did not know my weigh has been such a drag to my personal happiness.
I did not realize how good it feels for people to say " you better not lose any more weight!"

1. I did not know that Zumba could be so much fun, even if you can't dance and look funny.
2. I did not know that I could grow to like coffee with only skim milk and no sugar.
3. I did not know that finding excuses to exercise is more fun and satisfying that finding excuses not to exercise.
4. I did not know that I could lose this much weight and weigh less than I have weighed for the past 7 years, WOW.
5. I did not know that I could get through a work day without running for the afternoon chocolate bar.

1. i did not know that i could ever love wearing shorts...in public :)
2. i did not know that my arms could ever be capable of having muscle tone
3. i did not know that counting calories and watching what i ate could actually help me lose weight and keep it off
4. i did not know that the scale could go this low with me standing on it
5. i did not know that i would have the confidence and drive to train for a half marathon
6. i did not know that i would ever look forward to working out each day :)

1. I did not know that fat cells hold estrogen.
2. I did not know that sodium could make my weight fluctuate so much so quickly.
3. I did not know that I didn't need food to fall asleep.
4. I did not know that I was so strong.
5. I did not know how unhealthy I really was.

I did not know that strangers would become friends, and friends would become inspirations and we would lift each other up on this weight loss journey.
I did not know I liked sweating so much. It is like a workout badge of honor.
I did not know that through this, maybe, just maybe, I could learn to start loving myself.

1) I did not know I could save my marriage by putting myself first.
2) I did not know I would be able to walk by doughnuts at work and not even WANT to eat one.
3) I did not know the value I attributed food and how that changed (without me making a conscious effort) so that I could lose weight.
4) I did not know it would only take 2 short months and 17lbs before I could walk (even jog!) up a flight of stairs and not be winded.
5) I did not know educating myself (and putting that education into action) about proteins, carbs, and fats could help me lose weight better.

I did not know:
1) people would tell me they envy my dedication to working out everyday.
2) when I sit down to watch a television show, that I would feel like I would rather be working out.
3) I would like feeling the pain that comes with a good Insanity workout.
4) I would think about how many calories or fat grams something has before putting it in my mouth.
5) once I started going to Turbokick class, I would look forward to it all day long.

I didn't know that I could commit to myself to workout everyday no matter what, I feel like I might die if I don't workout!
I didn't know that I can go with out candy, pop, chocolate, pasta, pizza, basically stuff that I shouldn't put into my body all the time like I used to.
I didn't know that I would ever workout and see my reflection in the mirror and think "I look tough!" or "I look somewhat skinny!"
I didn't know that I had muscles hidden underneath everything else that I've lost (there's still a little stuff on top, but I can definitely feel them and some times see them)

1) I did not know exactly how emotional I would get once I FINALLY was able to STOP shopping at the big girl stores and was able to fit into "normal" sizes! Buh-bye Lane Bryant, hello Old Navy (and EVERYWHERE else!)
2.) I did not know that even though I am NOT now, nor ever have been, a morning person, that I would actually like and look forward to 5 am workouts. Now that I have a longer commute to work, I can only squeeze in one early AM a week and I actually MISS them! (I work out after work mostly)
3.) I did not know that I MUCH prefer my 2 hour Saturday AND Sunday "me" times at the gym over just about anything else.... I don't spend as much money on the weekends now that I'm not constantly going shopping or to the movies.
4.) I did not know that my boyfriend would actually be receptive to the idea of, much less bring it up himself, switching from beef to turkey products!
5.) I did not know that I could push myself, well, more like WILL myself to jog the entire 3.3 mile loop at my favorite lakeside trail WITHOUT stopping for a walking interval!
6.) I did not know just how important support and motivation from others was until I joined MFP! When you make a commitment to start losing weight and want to lead a healthier lifefstyle, you may end up having less and less in common with work friends and your normal friends as well.
7.) I did not know that making my fitness a priority would improve my relationship with my boyfriend. When I go to the gym, I feel better about myself, and thus, I have become a better partner.
I did not know any of this stuff 100 lbs ago!

Day 4: Genesis 40 - 50

Starting today, I'm going to just add these to my other blog and label them B90 and close this one.  less to keep track of :)

So day 4 took me 4 days to read, but it is done!  

The story of Joseph... a man who got it, that God had it all worked out.  It's not you who sent me here, but God.  To forgive his brothers for selling him as a slave for so little money (less than $2 in today's terms), to face the false accusations of the man's wife and to be in prison and forgotten by those who he helped, wow, he understood God.  Do we?  Do I?  That we lose jobs, get jobs, make friends, lose friends, make money, lose money, go here and go there, all for His glory?  That He makes all things work for good?  For His plan?  He's in our yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever?  Wow!

One of my favorite verses is towards the end of Genesis.. Joseph said, after his brothers were still afraid that he would repay their sins to them after Jacob died, "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result..." (50:20)  Oh, that when people wrong me that I would have the wisdom to say that! 


So Israel's family moves to a country were they are surrounded by people who find them 'loathsome'.   And to the best land in the area.  God blessed them.  Nice!

Jacob, on his death-bed, blessed Joseph's sons, putting the younger above the older... why?  Not sure, but maybe something to do with him and Esau?  And when he blessed his own sons, he seem to favor the younger.  No insight here, just observations :)

Now, let's see if I can get Day 5 in this evening too?!?! ;)

Day 3: Genesis 29 - 39

Confession: I'm not following the plan exactly.  I was actually supposed to only read to 28:20 yesterday and then 40:11 today... but I just can't stop reading in the middle of the paragraph.  So somedays I'll have to read a little more, others a little less.

Jacob meets Rachael.  While it sounds so romantic that a guy would work for a girl for 7 years, did he seriously not know he was making love to the wrong woman????  I don't get that.  Was is completely dark and she didn't say a word?  I know this isn't spiritual at all, but that is what I thought when I read it.  Poor Leah though.  But the Lord had favor on her and she bore children, which again, he apparently didn't not love her too much to have a bunch of children with her (not to mention the 2 servants)... I digress.  Just saying that I don't get it.

And what makes a sheep or a goat have spotted offspring just by the rods it looks at while it's mating?

I wonder what happened to Esau over those twenty some years when Jacob was away.  If I were Jacob, I would have been afraid too.  Esau wanted to kill him the last we heard.  But I guess his success made him happy. Even though he didn't receive the blessing from his father, he still seemed to do OK.

I have heard so many sermons on Joseph, that I really don't much new to say.  He was upright in his business, yet maybe a little to prideful with his brothers.  He was young though ;)  He just got thrown in jail, will read the rest tomorrow.  Now I have the play going on in my head... lol

Day 2: Genesis 17 - 28

ead the rest of the account of Abraham and Sarah, then the account of Issac and the start of Jacob.  Totally honest, I've read these many times before, and didn't really get much out of it this time.  Maybe I REALLY should listen to my own advise from yesterday and not read it all at one time.  I don't want this challenge to just be something I do and put on a checklist, ya know?  This is the Word of God for Heaven's sake!  

Abraham - though he didn't do it perfect, he certainly did things I don't want to have to face.  To literally have to sacrafic a son like that.  I know the Lord stopped him and provided a way out, but what in my life has the Lord promised me, yet told me to sacrifice it in obedience?  Do I say, oh yeah, sure and not make it all the way to building the alter and pulling out my knife?  We don't face decisions quite like this anymore.  God may ask us to sacrifice things or plans, but a living person?  Hmmm....

Sarah - I get her.  I know I've laughed at the promised of God, thinking yeah, right!  To try to fulfill a promise in my own strength, to only despise the results.

Issac - gotta wonder what was going through his head when his dad bound him up and laid him on the wood.  

Jacob - the deceiver.  haven't gotten to the point where his name is changed yet though.  He lived up to his name though.  Pushed some by his mom, also on his own.  Birthright and blessing, even though earned by trickery are still honored... I don't get that, sorry. :-/

The Lord promises us things and blesses us, even though we totally don't deserve it all.  He is so gracious.  So full of mercy.  I praise Him for that! 

Day 1: Genesis 1 - 16

wow, what did I get myself into!?! :)  a lesson in discipline, that's what.  also think I should read bits throughout the day, instead of all at one time.  probably get more out of it.    anyway...

In the beginning, things were great, then they went to hell.  God made everything, blessed it.  He is the Creator of all, of EVERYTHING!!! that blows my mind!  He's so creative, has so much wisdom.  He is Creator and All-knowing... my brain can't handle that :)  So, who am I to tell Him what to do?  Seriously?  Hey, I know You set the universe in motion, made stars so big they make our sun look like a pin-prick, but could You hurry up and do this?  Wow, step back and think about that!  But in the same sense, He did/does all that, is so BIG, yet He knows every single hair on my head, every single cell in my body.  Listens to me, loves me.  Most of all, the Creator of all this and all that, died for me.  Because He loved me.  Little bitty, speck of dirt, wisp of breath, me!

never noticed before, that vegetation was created before time though.  Interesting, no spiritual insight to that, just an observation.  also noticed that it was probably His perfect plan for us to not eat animals.  We didn't in the garden, and its not mentioned until after the flood.  

Enoch was taken by God, and was no more.  Raptured?  Maybe, I want to walk that close with Him that He just decides to take me like that! :) 

Abram.  One of many that prove that God can use us and bless us, regardless of our shortcomings.  I'm sure he was a great guy, but not claiming his wife to save his own butt and listened to his wife to sleep with another woman to fulfill God's promise.  He did great things though.  He trusted the Lord, which made him righteous in the eyes of the Lord.  In the end, that's what matters: trusting the Lord.

Changes coming..

Starting now, I'm combining my 2 blogs, it just seems silly to have 2.  I'm also going to start labeling my post, so if you're more interested in one subject or another.  I'm also thinking about adding some recipes, book and movie reviews.  We'll see :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

careful what you ask for...

I have a feeling I've said that many, many times! And will continue you to on this journey called life.

We pray for God to show us things, or to do things in our lives... then He does and we're surprised. For me, mostly because it's hardly ever in ways that I imagined. It's a good kind of surprised, after the initial shock though :)

I've reconciled with people in the past few months that I had, basically, written off. People who I thought I would be better off without. These people were a part of my past, where I wanted them to stay. I wanted them to feel the pain they had caused me. BUT, they are children of God (even though not all necessarily walking with Him at the moment), and He never wrote them off. He's never written me either, for that matter.

It's so amazing to me to be able to talk about these situations from my past without the bitterness boiling in my heart and stomach! I really have forgiven them, that revelation floored me. Someone wanted to know the back story to something that happened very recently. Normally I'd be emotional when telling it, but I wasn't. I could tell I was ready to move on and let it go.

Awful, icky things happen to all of us. We're instructed to forgive those who trespass/sin against us. It's no fun whatsoever going through this process, but please let me tell you, the peace that comes for forgiving and letting go of the hatred is totally worth it in the end. Can't say I'll let any of these people in too far, but they are forgiven and now I can be civil with them.

People change. I change. The things that chained me down a few years (even days) ago, no longer do. Who am I to hold things over anyone's head?

One of the biggest things I've learned recently:

If the Lord truly has my heart, then no one, except Him, can break it.

Does He have yours? Are you holding on to bitterness? Seek Him and meet Him at the cross. Lay it ALL down at His resurrected feet.

Friday, July 23, 2010


Starting a new blog at http://tammyk777b90.blogspot.com/.  I'm taking the challenge to read through the bible... we'll see how this goes :)  Read along if you'd like!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

rise up again!

So, after talking about womaning-up and engaging in the fight... I failed miserably today! The enemy laid a trap and I walked headstrong into it. It looks so pretty, it won't hurt that bad, etc etc... ugh! It was a snare, ugly and mean. One that I've come across many, many times. Sometimes thinking I'll never defeat it. BUT, instead of hiding in the shadows and wallowing in a pity party by myself, putting the cover of shame over my head and letting the enemy have the full victory, I prayed and I confessed and I repented and I confided to a trusted friend. Now that's what I mean by engaging in the fight!! We are human and we are going to fail. Miserably sometimes, but the Lord stretches out His loving hand to pick us when we fall. To hold us close to His heart and heal the wounds. To give us the wisdom to overcome the tricks. We have to be willing to grab His hand and not sulk with our face in the mud though! Sometimes it does seem easier to lay there, huh? I know. And I have, many a time. This time however... I'm getting up, getting cleaned up, and going back at it. With new wisdom and resolve to continue the good fight. What about you? Wallowing in the mud or grabbing a hold of the loving hand that wants, oh so desperately, to help you up and hold you in His loving arms?

My new favorite song!!

What Do I Know of Holy by Addison Road

I’ve made you promises a thousand times
I’ve tried to hear from heaven but I talk the whole time
I think I made you too small, I’ve never feared you at all
If you touched my face would I know you?
Looked into my eyes could I behold you?

What do I know of you who spoke me into motion
Where have I even stood but the shore along your ocean?
Are you fire, are you fury
Are you sacred, are you beautiful
What do I know? What do I know of holy?

I guess I thought that I had you figured out
I knew all the stories and I learned to talk about
How you were mighty to save
But those were only empty words on a page
Then I caught a glimpse of who you might be
The slightest hint of you brought me down to my knees

What do I know of you who spoke me into motion
Where have I even stood but the shore along your ocean?
Are you fire, are you fury
Are you sacred, are you beautiful
What do I know? What do I know of holy?
What do I know of Holy?

What do I know of wounds that will heal my shame?
And a God who gave life its name
What do I know of Holy?
Of the One who the angels praise
All creation knows your name
On earth and heaven above
What do I know of this love?

What do I know of you who spoke me into motion
Where have I even stood but the shore along your ocean?
Are you fire, are you fury
Are you sacred, are you beautiful
What do I know? What do I know of holy?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ugly Monsters

I praise God for being on this side of the depression battle! I recently did some personality/managerial style analysis for work and I know there are questions I would have answered differently a year ago. I also recently was talking with a friend who I could see that was going into depression. Broke my heart, I urged her to seek help. That the road she's headed down is scary as hell. I pray she listens.

I'm not saying my life is full of kittens and rainbows, I do have really bad days. Where the ugly monsters overwhelm me. When I just want to drown my sorrows in a huge cheesy pizza, a pan of pasta and a batch of brownies, while watching mindless TV or movies. When I don't feel like I can stand anymore. But I know that I don't stand on my own strength. The Lord lefts me up! I can only move forward or stand firm in His strength, not my own!!

Depression is real, mental illness is real, eating disorders are real! It's not just a matter of trying to feel better, or not thinking certain things (dwell is different though), or will power! There is a real battle going on, chemical or spiritual, probably both. But!! The Good News is that there is help, or Help.

I hate seeing these ugly monsters attack others. I cannot sit idly by and just watch, we are in a war, in the Heavens, and there are causalities all around. Engage! Man-up (well, woman-up!)

I believe God gave me a vision years ago... we (as believers) were in a battle and were covered in blood. He told me that the blood was not our own, but the blood of the Lamb. It was shed to set us free, to save us, to protect us.

I pray I become more aware of the eternal struggles around me. That little, temporary fights fade. That I don't dwell on the earthly things that try to weigh me down, but to think on things that are true, eternal, praiseworthy... that I engage in the Heavenly battle! Through prayer, fasting and getting into His Word. By sharing His love with everyone I meet!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

half way

I set goals for myself at the beginning of the year, so a couple days ago I was checking my progress. I'm 10lbs behind my loosing weight goal :/ but considering how much I've lost, I guess that's OK. I gained a few back in the past few weeks, just bad decisions! But I didn't think at the beginning that I would even make it this far, so I'm excited to see what I accomplish, through the Holy Spirit, for the rest of the year.

Way behind on where I'd like to be as far as debt is concerned. But I now think my original goal was a little over the top. Using a calculator I found online through my CU, I have a plan set up that will get me out of debt in 4 years, and then my house paid off 2 years after that. I'd love to be out of debt much sooner than that though. But the thought of owning my house before I'm 40 is really exciting. I want to be out of debt sooner so I can focus on missions more, but all the the Lord's timing. Just gotta be a good steward of what He gives me.

I set goals in other things, like blogging more (done!) and eating out less (done!!). It wasn't on my list, but I did the 5k marathon and will do a 10k later this year. Went on 1 mission trip, and a few other things. Simple things like get a new hair cut and have my pastors over for dinner (done and done!).

So, all in all, I'm not doing too bad so far. Not battling depression so much has made me a lot more productive! I still have bad days, but don't we all? The point is to reach out for the Lord's hand and get help to get back up. Can't do any of this without His strength anyway!!

Currently working on pix from Scotland. Hope to get down to 500, but that's out of 2500... Lord help me!! Hope to upload online very soon!