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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September already?

August was an interesting month, I think.  Mostly because of a mission trip to Denver and witnessing all that God did.  I'm part of a denomination called Foursquare and we planted 4 new churches in Denver.  To help kick them off, we did outreaches on a Friday and Saturday.  Since I now consider myself a missionary and want to do more and more, this seemed like a wonderful opportunity that was much closer, much cheaper and much shorter than Scotland, or any of the other countries on my 'wish list'.  Most of the group (40ish) left Thursday morning, but I had to work (short on vacation time b/c of Scotland) so I flew out in the afternoon.  There was some miscommunication and my pastor thought I was coming out Friday.  I sent him a message to let him know that the flight was delayed 40 minutes, and he was thinking I was a day early.  The flight ended up being about an hour late, but in God's amazing timing, after we got off the plane, took the tram to baggage, got baggage and went potty, I only had to wait about 10 minutes for one the vans to come pick me up!  How cool is that?

The outreaches were, well, chaos! But I really think God's will thrives in the midst of our chaos sometimes.  He works things out so well, that you have to just stand back and thank Him for putting it all together.  Anyway, well over 100 people committed or recommitted their lives to Christ :)
I spent the majority of the time doing photography.  I have a new passion!!!  And apparently a natural gifting in it!  I also worked as an alter worker, praying with people when they came forward, giving them Bibles and encouraging them.  Pretty cool stuff!  I did learn something about myself in the middle of it all, I've never prayed with someone to receive Christ.  I was with a group of ladies praying with a girl who was wanting salvation, she said she didn't think she had done it right, so I was just going to have her repeat after me (not that there's really any 'correct' formal prayer to pray, but sometimes we just need a little direction)  Anyway, my mind went completely blank.  I felt so stupid.  I asked one of the other ladies to pray with her.  Now I'm past it and know I just freaked out.  All the 'formulas' I've read about or learned in church or school just didn't seem to fit.  There is no formula, just believe that Jesus was crucified and died for your sins, that He rose from the dead to give you new life, choose to live for Him for the rest of your life and thank Him for it.  We really make this salvation thing way too hard ;)

So, I'm a little over 8 months into the weight loss... August kinda stunk for that.  Overall, I only lost 0.6 from Aug 1 to Sept 1.  I did, however, start strength training and am going a lot longer on the treadmill.  So, I'm building muscle :)

September looks to be really busy!  I start leading a small group/Bible study next Tuesday, we're having a fasting and prayer meeting every Wednesday this month (starting next week), I'm going to Denver for a retreat, training for the 10k in October, getting outside to enjoy the cooler temps, hiring someone at work to take over part of my job so I can get my promotion and I'm sure there will be more :)

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