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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Single Awareness Day

Most people consider this Valentines' Day, but as my title suggest, for some of us it's something totally different.  Random fact I heard this morning... St Valentine is also the patron saint of the plague and of bees (or was it bee keepers?)... need I say more??

OK, enough negativity!!  The Lord spoke the sweetest thing to my heart Sunday morning.  I thought about just keeping it myself as a private treasure, but I think there maybe someone out there that might just need to hear this too.

Driving to church, I somehow got on the thought pattern of 'why am I single' and 'what's wrong with me'.  This isn't something new, and it's not something God and I haven't dealt with a thousand times.  I normally 'hear' that its just not the right time, I'm not or he's not ready, just be patient... gentle answers that I don't disagree with.  I just wonder sometimes if God wants to just tell me to shut it and move on, but He's not unkind. But this go-around I heard something new...

"You are one of my favorites, you are precious to Me and beautiful.  I'm just not ready to share your affections yet"

Tears and tears and tears :)

So, on a day I would normally want to wear all black and eat a container of ice cream, this year I think I'll spend time praising and worshiping Him instead!

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