weight loss

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

start of the weight loss

It's been awhile, I know. The depression has lessened, a lot. Thank God for Zoloft!! No, really. I kept fighting that pill and thought if I was just a good enough Christian, my mood would change. But considering that I'm on over 20 pills a day... a chemical imbalance was defiantly a factor.

Anyway, I thought I'd take an attempt at blogging my way through some weight loss. I believe if I lost weight, I could get off a bunch of those 20 pills! We started a Biggest Loser competition today at work too... so now there's some money on the line!

Starting weight... OMG, can't believe I'm actually going to put this out there... 220.0. Yuck!! I've been heavier though. My goal? 190 - that's 2.5lbs per week before the Biggest Loser ends on March 31st. 13.6%. I'd like to then be under 160 by the end of the year. Possible??? Of course. With God's strength!! Plus the encouragement of friends and family.

My difficulties will be from the MS and the PCOS. MS makes me tired and PCOS just messes with hormones and metabolism so much. But, I can overcome!!

I'm also thinking about signing up for a marathon. Only the 5k one though, that's only 3.1 miles. Its in April, so that's 4 months to train. We'll see...

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