I praise God for being on this side of the depression battle! I recently did some personality/managerial style analysis for work and I know there are questions I would have answered differently a year ago. I also recently was talking with a friend who I could see that was going into depression. Broke my heart, I urged her to seek help. That the road she's headed down is scary as hell. I pray she listens.
I'm not saying my life is full of kittens and rainbows, I do have really bad days. Where the ugly monsters overwhelm me. When I just want to drown my sorrows in a huge cheesy pizza, a pan of pasta and a batch of brownies, while watching mindless TV or movies. When I don't feel like I can stand anymore. But I know that I don't stand on my own strength. The Lord lefts me up! I can only move forward or stand firm in His strength, not my own!!
Depression is real, mental illness is real, eating disorders are real! It's not just a matter of trying to feel better, or not thinking certain things (dwell is different though), or will power! There is a real battle going on, chemical or spiritual, probably both. But!! The Good News is that there is help, or Help.
I hate seeing these ugly monsters attack others. I cannot sit idly by and just watch, we are in a war, in the Heavens, and there are causalities all around. Engage! Man-up (well, woman-up!)
I believe God gave me a vision years ago... we (as believers) were in a battle and were covered in blood. He told me that the blood was not our own, but the blood of the Lamb. It was shed to set us free, to save us, to protect us.
I pray I become more aware of the eternal struggles around me. That little, temporary fights fade. That I don't dwell on the earthly things that try to weigh me down, but to think on things that are true, eternal, praiseworthy... that I engage in the Heavenly battle! Through prayer, fasting and getting into His Word. By sharing His love with everyone I meet!!
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